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Storytelling - Methu Symud (Read in Welsh)

Mae ein Ymgynghorydd Addysgol yng Nghymru, Beth Simons, yn darllen addasiad Sioned Lleiniau o 'Methu Symud', gan Heather Amery ac Anna Milbourne. Cyhoeddwyd y stori gan Gomer. Mae'n stori hyfryd am anturiaethau Wichyn, porchell sy'n mynd i chwilio am frecwast ychwanegol, dim ond i weithio ei hun i mewn i drafferth! Ffilmiwyd y darlleniad ar fferm enedigol Beth yn Sir Benfro.
Wales' Regional Educational Consultant, Beth Simons, reads ‘Methu Symud’, by Heather Amery and Anna Milbourne. It’s a charming tale about the adventures of Wichyn, a piglet who goes in search of extra breakfast, only to get himself into a spot of trouble! The reading is recorded on Beth’s home farm in Pembrokeshire.

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